Australian Agricultural
Company subdivision sale poster
Cameron’s Hill, Hamilton c.1911
Cameron’s Hill, Hamilton c.1911
Winship Street
(formerly Lake Macquarie Road) [1]
is now Denison Street
Courtesy Newcastle Region Library, from
collection of Margaret Haigh
When I was researching the hotels that flourished in the
late 1800s along Denison Street for my blog post Hotel Heyday in Denison Street
I was uncertain about the exact location
of Hamilton’s second hotel, the Queen’s Arms. More than a year later, Helen
Cramp contacted me with information that confirmed its location, and added rich
detail to the Cameron story.
James Cameron owned three blocks of land on the western brow
of the hill, from 188 – 192 Denison Street. The property is described as:
‘Allotment of land
situated Hamilton having a frontage of 127 feet 9 inches to Winship Street by a
depth of 300 feet through to Belford Street, with a frontage of 64 feet 9
inches to that street. The erections thereon consists of brick building
containing eleven rooms and two rooms in wood together with stabling of wood
and iron, known as the Queen’s Arms Hotel’.
Extract from record of deceased estate of James Cameron,
September 1907
State Records of NSW,
courtesy personal collection of Helen Cramp
Today, little trace remains of the Queen’s Arms.
The fronts of these
homes at 190-192 Denison Street are said to retain
some of the brickwork from
the original hotel.
Next door, 188 Denison Street, was thought by owner Helen
Cramp to have been on the site of the stables. The house was rebuilt by
Marjorie Cramp in 1989. Daughter Helen remembers it was not uncommon to unearth
horseshoes as she was gardening at the back.
Horseshoes, deteriorating with age, from the site
of the
stables of the Queen’s Arms.
Helen grew up on Belford Street, next door to the house that
had been the Cameron’s family home. She remembers a gracious brick house with
steps leading up to a curved front verandah. The house remains, although much
has changed.

Chimneys more than a
century old can still be glimpsed on the
now renovated former residence of
James Cameron,
in Belford Street, Hamilton.
Who was James Cameron?
James Cameron migrated from Scotland in 1838 aboard the ‘Brilliant’, one of the ships brought to
Australia by Presbyterian clergyman John Dunmore Lang, carrying impoverished
Scots displaced by the Highland Clearances. Cameron had some experience in
farming, and as a butcher. With wealth from the goldfields, he arrived in
Borehole in 1856, building the Queen’s Arms soon after. It began trading in
Cameron was a keen sportsman, encouraging local sporting
events like athletics and foot racing. His great love, it seems, was racing –
local historian Peter Murray notes that Cameron was President of the Newcastle
Jockey Club for 25 years. He bred, trained and raced horses, and the Cameron
Handicap was named for his son James George Cameron. [2]
A horse bus service
to Newcastle operated from the Queen’s Arms
Unsourced image reproduced
from Peter Murray, 2006,
From Borehole to Hamilton Jubilee, 1848-1921
From Borehole to Hamilton Jubilee, 1848-1921
When tax was levied on deceased estates, the administration letters provide a list and valuation of every conceivable item belonging to that person. Those listings reveal their net worth and indirectly, their social standing.
James Cameron had invested in real estate in Newcastle and
Maitland, and collected rent from his properties. Horse buggies, harnesses and
bridles were included in his estate, no doubt relating to the horse bus service
he operated. At the time of his death, James Cameron owned another hotel, a two
story brick building known as Cameron’s Family Hotel. It was
‘...situated Hunter
Street West, Newcastle having a frontage of 40 feet to Hunter Street West by a
return frontage of 165 feet to Steel Street in Hamilton West...’[3]
However, it is the list of ‘household furniture and effects’
that I found so moving, as it lays bare the state of family’s domestic life. From
the extensive list, it seems the Camerons lived quite comfortably. Among James’s
personal assets were a family Bible, an Austrian chair, elephant ornaments, a
biscuit barrel, a teapot, a meat mincer, a meat safe, and a piano. How
distressing it must have been to have a stranger come into the home when a family has just lost its breadwinner,
to assess every item in the house for taxation purposes.
Listed in the
deceased estate of James Cameron – a gold watch, a gold chain,
a trinket and a
gold ring
Extract from record
of deceased estate of James Cameron,
23 September 1907
23 September 1907
State Records of NSW,
courtesy personal collection of Helen Cramp
James Cameron was survived by five children – a son, James George
Cameron, and four daughters. The daughters were Jessie Elizabeth Baker,
Elizabeth Ann Sharp, Sarah Sophia Cameron, and Louisa Jane Sharp.
As Helen Cramp was growing up next door to the Cameron’s old
home in Belford Street in the late 1960s, she remembers the two elderly ladies
who lived there – sisters Elizabeth Sharp and Louisa Sharp. They had married
brothers, and came to live out their widowed years in the inherited family
Helen’s family was regularly invited into their home to
watch television on Friday nights. The Sharp sisters decided what programs would
be watched, and no doubt enjoyed the company. In a commercial break they served
Helen’s parents tea, and the three children cordial and mixed lollies. I asked
Helen if she remembered anything about the inside of the house.
‘Just that it was huge, and dark,’ she told me.
One of the Sharp sisters – Helen can’t recall which one –
had had an arm amputated at the elbow, as a result of a fall from a fence.
Now, Helen is researching the Cameron family. Through her
work and connection with the land they owned, even the horseshoes she’s dug
from the earth, we have a tangible to link to Hamilton’s second hotel, the
Queen’s Arms, to its owners and to its past.
Thank you to Helen Cramp for sharing the results of her
research, and to Margaret Haigh for providing further information and images. Unattributed photos by Ruth Cotton.
Related post
Denison Street hotels
Personal communication to Helen Cramp from her mother Marjorie Cramp. Marjorie
Cramp rebuilt the home at 188 Denison Street, Hamilton in 1989.
Peter Murray, 2006, From Borehole to Hamilton Jubilee 1848 – 1921, 146-7.
[3] Extract from record of deceased estate of James
Cameron, 23 September 1907
State Records of NSW, courtesy
personal collection of Helen Cramp
A random thought when reading this story: mixed lollies! Wow, haven't heard about them for years. They used to often include the now seemingly lost in time sweet 'boiled lollies'. The kind of treat I could imagine the Sharp sisters doling out on a Friday night.
Kimberly, maybe it was boiled lollies rather than mixed .. I remember that garish assortment too! Bound to break teeth and send sugar levels rising.
Kimberly, maybe it was boiled lollies rather than mixed .. I remember that garish assortment too! Bound to break teeth and send sugar levels rising.
Almost directly across the road and a little East from 190-192 Denison Street is another heritage listed home, situated behind a brick home on Denison Street. I believe it belonged to a Mine Manager who could see his mine from this house on Cameron Hill. I visited it once on an open day and I have not heard anything more about its conservation.
Ruth do you know who is responsible for this home, sorry I seem to have lost the details of the address, etc.
Mary, the latest on the A A Company mine manager's house is at this article in the Newcastle Herald - http://www.theherald.com.au/story/4045854/heritage-house-to-be-sold/ plus there are two posts about it on my blog - see http://hiddenhamilton.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/a-mine-managers-retreat-aa-house.html and more recently http://hiddenhamilton.blogspot.com.au/2015/02/saving-aa-company-house-in-hamilton.html. Both stories are in the Hidden Hamilton books - there is a keen interest in the heritage house. Ruth.
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