1974-1992 Lorenzo and
Ada Bizzarri
Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri purchased the Northern Star Cafe
from Con Rolfe, a Greek immigrant, in 1974. The Café had been operating from as early as 1948, according to Hamilton resident Alex Sazdanoff. The Nicholsons had been its first owners.
Beaumont Street 1956
Northern Star Cafe in its place on Beaumont Street, Hamilton, 1956
Con Rolfe, the first owner, is crossing the road, in the white apron he always wore
Northern Star Cafe in its place on Beaumont Street, Hamilton, 1956
Con Rolfe, the first owner, is crossing the road, in the white apron he always wore
Photograph reproduced with permission of State Library of NSW,
copyright Fairfax Syndication
copyright Fairfax Syndication
Ada and Lorenzo were in their early 40s, with three children
– Mario the eldest, aged 15, Norina aged 12 and Lucia, who was just 7. Acquiring
a food business was a natural next step for Lorenzo, who had been cooking for working
men for years. But to make this new venture a success, he would need his wife
by his side, every day of the 7 day working week, and immense physical stamina.
It was in the Italian village of Cannara, on a rich
floodplain beneath the hills of Assisi, birthplace of Saint Francis, that
Lorenzo and Ada grew up as next door neighbours.
Ada and Lorenzo began ‘going out’. However, their
relationship was interrupted when Lorenzo responded to a call from the
Australian government, which was offering to sponsor and provide work for fit
and able European men. He was 22.
In 1955, Lorenzo and a small group of friends from Cannara
left Italy together on the ship Toscanelli. Like many other emigrants in
similar situations, they would support each other on this adventure, in a quest
to build better lives for themselves.
The young men were to provide labour for the northern NSW
cane fields around Lismore. After they had fulfilled their two year contract,
they would be free to go elsewhere in pursuit of work, if they wished.
Young men recruited to work in the Lismore district canefields
One man in the front clutches his violin
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Lorenzo’s family is unsure how long he actually worked as a
cane cutter.
Lorenzo Bizzarri in the canefields
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
They do know that when a cook for the cane cutters’ camp had
to be found, Lorenzo responded hesitantly –
‘I know a little
The job was his.
Lorenzo Bizzarri’s trade was shoemaking but in the family
home, he’d been intimately involved with food in all its phases - production,
preparation and cooking. Watering the vegetable garden, helping his mother make
pasta, and feeding the pig and the cow were part of the daily routine. When the
pig had grown, it would meet its fate and Lorenzo would help make sausages,
prosciutto and salami from the animal. This knowledge would now be put to the
Working long hours in the cane fields was hard, hot and
dirty work. Cooking was considered an easy job, even a ‘cop out’. One of
Lorenzo’s friends offered to change places for a few days, believing he could
easily do what Lorenzo did. However, he had no idea about how much water was
needed to cook the pasta, pouring a huge packet into the pot. When it all
swelled and became a glutinous mess, then men were not impressed! Lorenzo
quickly got his job back.
When his contract finished, Lorenzo moved to Newcastle and
found work at BHP. Now two years since he had left Italy, Lorenzo would have been
feeling more settled. He was confident enough to ask Ada to join him Australia,
and they became engaged.
Ada organised her identification documents, sailing to
Australia in 1957 on the Aurelia. Joining him in Newcastle, they were married
at Carrington. Ada wore the elegant linen suit she had brought with her.
‘I wanted something
practical as my wedding dress’, she explains, ‘something I could wear afterwards – not a dress that would just hang
in a room all the time’.

Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri sometime after their marriage
Ada is making good use of her wedding outfit
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
With no immediate family in Australia, the new migrants
helped each other. Lorenzo bought their first home, in Sandgate, but did so as
a joint purchase with his lifelong friend from Cannara. That friend had married
too, and both couples shared the house. When the friend had enough money to
move on to a solo purchase, another friend from the village offered himself as
investment partner. Thus began a series of real estate purchases for Lorenzo
and Ada – Hamilton, Cardiff, Merewether, Charlestown.
After working as a labourer in the BHP furnaces for 6 years,
Lorenzo saw an opportunity to take over a shoe repair business in Lindsay
Street, Hamilton, where he and Ada now lived.
Lorenzo Bizzarri repairing boots at the Hamilton business
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
When the materials used to make shoes changed, and fewer
customers saw value in having their shoes repaired, Lorenzo knew he had to look
elsewhere for work to support his family.
Transfield was a large and successful company that had had
been founded by two Italian born engineers. Lorenzo became a cook for the gangs
of men that installed the massive poles supporting parallel power wires
throughout rural NSW. In the dozen or so years Lorenzo spent with Transfield,
he must have learned a great deal about cooking the type of food that satisfied
hungry workers.
Lorenzo’s job was challenging for Ada, at home in Cardiff
now with three children. Lorenzo travelled to be with the gangs, and was away
all week.
In 1974, the opportunity to buy into a cafe came through one
of the many produce suppliers Lorenzo dealt with in the course of his work –
fruiterers, butchers, grocers, bakers. One of them pointed out two businesses
for sale – in Cardiff, and in Hamilton.
‘Count me out’,
declared Ada, when Lorenzo put the proposition to her.
Nevertheless, the Northern Star Cafe was purchased by
Lorenzo from its Greek business owner, Con Rolfe. Ada was in, for the long haul.
‘They’ve been
together, they go together’, explains youngest daughter Lucia.
When Ada was growing up in Italy before World War II, education
was not compulsory. She left school at Year 3 to help on the farm her family
leased. This early education deficit affected her confidence. She worried about
her English language skills in the public domain of a cafe, but that was where
she was needed. She would overcome her fears, and in time, become very
proficient in English.
The cafe was at 106 -108 Beaumont Street, Hamilton – open 7 days
a week from 8 am to 8 pm. In these circumstances, daily travel from Cardiff,
with 7 year old Lucia at school there, was not feasible. Lorenzo and Ada
decided to rent the flat above the cafe. Thus, they took up residence once
again in Hamilton, this time as Beaumont Street business owners. They would
remain for some 18 years, from 1974 to 1992, leasing the premises.
Lorenzo and Ada had taken over a cafe with a typical
Australian menu – hamburgers, fish and chips, toasted sandwiches, selling tea, coffee,
milkshakes, soft drinks and ice cream. Having cooked so long for the Transfield
work gangs, Lorenzo would have been very familiar with the food preferences of
Aussie workers.
The Northern Star Cafe, between mid 1970s and 1980
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri
at the milk bar
Photograph from the
personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Seating was 8 booths with bench type seats and wall mirrors.
In the rush by Australia after World War II to adopt American entertainment
culture, many public venues such as cafes had installed juke boxes. One of the
most popular models was the American Wurlitzer 1015. Customers could select
from 24 popular songs. What a playlist!
Wurlitzer 1015 Jukebox
At some stage before Lorenzo and Ada took over the cafe, the
juke box had been removed. Perhaps it had needed repair - the world of
electronic entertainment had moved on, and owner Con Rolfe had it removed. Many
Novocastrians remember the cafe juke box – I wonder where it is now?
In the 1970s and 1980s, Hamilton was rather different from
today. Affordable accommodation such as boarding houses and rental properties
was plentiful, catering for single working men, and tertiary students. They
sought satisfying evening meals at places like the Northern Star Cafe, the
workers calling first at a local pub.
Ada recalls University of Newcastle students voting the
cafe’s potato scallops ‘the best in
Newcastle’. These days, when she visits the John Hunter Hospital, it is not
unknown for her to be stopped in the corridor by a young doctor (or maybe not
so young now), who speaks respectfully and tells her how much the meals
provided by the Northern Star Cafe were appreciated.
Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri washing up
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Lorenzo made his own BBQ sauce for the hamburgers, but
neither he nor Ada had ever tasted it. A bridge too far for these Italians!
Still, it must have been good – Ada tells me - ‘People loved it!’
The front doors were always locked promptly by Ada at 8pm,
although often the last customer was not out till 10 pm. The family ate late,
after 8, at one of the booths at the back that was always reserved for them.
Ada prepared Italian food for the family, always cooking in
the cafe. Late diners were sometimes curious about what they were eating, and would
ask to try some. Homesick young Italian men would ask for the dishes they
loved. Ada grew favourite herbs, such as radicchio – at that time, the tangy
bitter taste would have startled Australian palates.
The cafe was not licensed, but typically, this Italian
family enjoyed wine with meals. Diners occasionally asked to share the
privilege, in particular some undercover detectives. In the 1980s, the cafe
became licensed for BYO, but charged no corkage.
Downsizing the cafe from a double to a single shopfront in
1985 provided the impetus for Ada and Lorenzo to reshape their menu. Italian
dishes such as gnocchi, fettucine and lasagna, as well as scallopini, calamari
and pizzaiola were now integrated into the offerings.
Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri at the remodelled counter
The new menu is at the back, featuring Italian dishes
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Ada made the pasta by hand, and Lorenzo cooked the meat and sauces.
Ice cream and lemon gelato were sold. People had money to spare; the cafe
became even busier in the evenings. The cafe would not have functioned without
the loyal staff who backed up the work of Ada and Lorenzo.
By the time the 1989 earthquake struck Newcastle, the
Northern Star Cafe was operating just 6 days a week. The family had begun to institute
taking a break over the Christmas – New Year period. This was quite an an
L - R: Norina, Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri with Christmas sponge cake
decorated with chocolate
decorated with chocolate
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Nevertheless, on this day Friday 28 December, 1989, Lorenzo
and Ada were in the cafe cleaning – Lorenzo in the cool room at the back. Ada
was on the phone at the front. Transfixed, she watched the four door
refrigerator sway out, and back again into its position. Lucia, now engaged to
be married, was shopping nearby. She rushed to the cafe.
The remodelling of the cafe saved it from serious damage.
The loss of power meant stock damage, but because they had closed for
Christmas, stores were low.
Helen Di Claudio was employed by Lorenzo and Ada, and would
go on to be one of the longest serving staff members. She vividly remembers
then Prime Minister Bob Hawke visiting Newcastle. With his entourage, he walked
along Beaumont Street, inspecting the damage and talking to business owners, connecting with them in their shock and loss. Pausing outside the Northern Star Cafe, he shook hands with Helen, and her
Earthquake aftermath
– Bob Hawke speaks to the press
Photograph by Ken
Robson, reproduced with permission Fairfax Syndication
After the earthquake, Ada and Lorenzo began thinking about
retirement. They had resolved to stay in business until their youngest child Lucia
was married – once that milestone was achieved, they could take life more
easily. Their children were making their own careers and not interested in
taking over the cafe.
The Bizzarri family (1986/87)
From left: Ada, Norina, Lorenzo, Lucia, Mario
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
Lorenzo and Ada hoped to find a staff member whom they could
transition into the business, but this did not eventuate. The business was sold
to Phillip and Dianne King in 1992.
Lorenzo and Ada Bizzarri on their retirement (1992)
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
They would have almost 20 years together in retirement
before Lorenzo developed dementia. In 2012 he died, aged 80.
Ada still makes enough fettucine for 30 diners, drying the delicately
swirled nests thoroughly on a table in her sun room at Charlestown. These days,
her adult children and grandchildren are the grateful recipients of her skills
and generosity. I am too, as she packs me chunks of cake and melt-in-my-mouth
biscotti to take home.
I am sorry to have missed meeting Lorenzo by just a couple
of years. When I ask people what he was like, I get similar accounts. They
describe the familiar sight of Lorenzo flipping hamburgers and eggs in the
window before the front was changed, always cheerful. Keeping one eye on what
was happening up and down Beaumont Street, there was no back-kitchen cooking
for Lorenzo. Lucia, his daughter, sums him up like this:
'Lorenzo was firstly a
very loving family man. Even though he looked tall and masculine, he was a
softie inside! He was always cheerful and smiling, telling jokes or anecdotes.
He was very generous – he couldn’t say no to anyone....he and Mum had many
friends, Italian and Australian. He was very happy’.
Lorenzo Bizzarri and lever coffee machine
Photograph from the personal collection of Mrs Ada Bizzarri
1992 – 1995 Phillip and Dianne King
Phillip and Dianne King decided to put down roots in
Newcastle after one too many moves for Phillip’s work in shopping centre
development with Lend Lease. They’d lived in Dubbo, Darwin and Hobart, and once
they were settled in Newcastle, decided to try something different. Their first
experience in food was running Woolworths’ cafeteria; then they established
‘Ginger’s’ in Jesmond, which became a very popular coffee lounge. After five
years there, they were thinking about a new venture when the Northern Star Cafe
came to their notice. They bought it.
At first they thought the cafe would meet their criteria for
creating an upmarket coffee lounge in Hamilton. They had plans for a total new
look, stripping the old Benson and Hedges ads from the window, remodelling the
front so food display cabinets were immediately visible on entry, and changing the
seating. They were in for a surprise.
'We had no idea what
we’d bought’, Phil says.
What they had bought was an authentic Italian cafe producing
home cooked food. Not only was it one of a kind, it was also very popular, and very
profitable. Phil and Dianne decided they would not change anything. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. It
would be critical, however, to ensure that the kitchen remained authentic,
producing the pasta and other Italian favourites that the customers kept coming
back for.
It took a couple of attempts to find someone who could
continue the tradition of making perfect fettucine, gnocchi, spaghetti, and
lasagna by hand, as well as meet all the other unwritten criteria for a great
Italian cook. On their third attempt, they found Anna Zinnoni.
The cafe’s Italian customers, many of whom were men, had decided
to give the new Australian owners a trial. They would have been encouraged by
Phil and Dianne’s efforts to find a good Italian cook, although they did not
hesitate to make their opinions known. On the other hand, the Australian
clientele drifted off, believing that it could not be possible for ‘Australians’
to run an Italian cafe. Gradually, new customers were attracted, and the cafe
became busier than ever. Open from 8 am to 9.00 pm, it was closed on just one
day, Sunday.
Dianne remembers these years as ‘hard, hard work’. The King’s children were primary school age; she
had no extended family in Newcastle to support her. Dianne describes rushing
back and forth between the cafe and home to give them their meals, help with
homework, and tuck them into bed. Saturdays were the worst, she remembers. At
lunch time, 45 seats would be filled. Groups of Italian men would have met at
The Kent Hotel for a drink in the morning, then walked across Beaumont Street
for ‘a big lunch’ at the Northern Star Cafe.
‘I remember grabbing
an hour’s sleep in the car on a Saturday afternoon, to prepare for the night
ahead’, Dianne says.
Phil’s role was front-of-house; Dianne filled in doing
whatever needed to be done. This might involve prepping food, washing dishes,
cleaning, ordering and stocking, or waiting on tables.
The Kings were very careful not to introduce change just for
the sake of it. They did, however, paint the interior, and changed the name to
‘Cafe Northern Star’. When some customers complained the menu never changed,
they took the opportunity to rework it. Chilli baby octopus, quails,
saltimbocca, and chicken parmigiana were added. Phil describes the reaction of
those customers.
'That’s great, the
menu’s changed!’
Then they would order their old favourites.
In the evenings, tables would turn over at least three
times. Transfield was one of the few account holders – a privilege granted by
Lorenzo to his former employer. Once people found out that this was one of the
best places in Newcastle serving authentic Italian food, they kept coming.
A team of Italian engineers, in Newcastle for several months
to supervise the building of new BHP facilities in Mayfield, came for lunch and
dinner for their entire stay. NSW boxer and Olympic medallist Grahame ‘Spike’
Cheney discovered the pasta at the Northern Star to be a perfect high
carbohydrate/energy food – then others followed, such as the Russian-Australian
light welterweight professional boxer Kostya Tszyu and his trainer Johnny Lewis.
Undercover detectives with the major crime squad continued to patronise the
cafe for lunches and a collegiate de-brief on their cases – at times a dozen or
so of them.
At some point a license allowing BYO was obtained, and 50
cents was charged for corkage. A customer who was originally from Naples made liqueurs
for sale at the cafe. Dianne still has some at home, and is reluctant to throw
them out ‘because they smell so good’. Italy is renowned for its liqueurs,
perhaps the best known being amaretto,
campari, apertivo, muscat and of course the legendary grappa.
Dianne recalls a day when she felt very unwell at work. An
Italian – Australian staff member recommended a shot of grappa in her coffee,
sipped slowly.
‘The effect was
amazing’, she says.
Phil has a different preventive health story. Throughout the
years at the Northern Star Cafe, he says, he never had one sick day.
‘It was the garlic’,
he assures me.
They had continued the Bizzarri practice of getting in fresh
garlic, peeling and mincing it on the premises, and storing it in oil. There
was some trial and error involved in learning to pack the bottles so the
pressure was just right. Phil does remember some early explosions in the cool
On the day I visited Ada Bizzarri, she and her daughter
Lucia were peeling a small mountain of garlic on the kitchen table. The pungent
smell filled the house. Now, I understand what was afoot.
So why did the Kings sell the Northern Star Café? The answer is simple.
'It was just too hard', Phil and Dianne agree.
I wondered what the difference was between their previous venture, Ginger's, and the Northern Star Café? Again, the answer was simple.
‘It was the hours. Ginger’s closed at 3 pm. That made the world of difference’.
When they purchased the Northern Star Cafe, they Kings were getting into something they had not expected – but they understood enough to know they had a winner. The just had to keep on winning. The price of doing that in terms of their family life was high; in the end, they decided, they would not continue to pay it. There were other ways to make a living.
In this venture into the world of the Italians, the Kings did not leave empty handed. Dianne learned the secrets of producing authentic home cooked Italian fare. For Phil, it was the Italians themselves -
The Italians are an unbelievably good people. Once you are their friend, you are a friend for life’.
So why did the Kings sell the Northern Star Café? The answer is simple.
'It was just too hard', Phil and Dianne agree.
I wondered what the difference was between their previous venture, Ginger's, and the Northern Star Café? Again, the answer was simple.
‘It was the hours. Ginger’s closed at 3 pm. That made the world of difference’.
When they purchased the Northern Star Cafe, they Kings were getting into something they had not expected – but they understood enough to know they had a winner. The just had to keep on winning. The price of doing that in terms of their family life was high; in the end, they decided, they would not continue to pay it. There were other ways to make a living.
In this venture into the world of the Italians, the Kings did not leave empty handed. Dianne learned the secrets of producing authentic home cooked Italian fare. For Phil, it was the Italians themselves -
The Italians are an unbelievably good people. Once you are their friend, you are a friend for life’.
Phillip and Dianne King
From the personal collection of Phillip and Dianne King
From 1995 – Juliano
and Jill Borrelli
Jill Thompson, of English origins, grew up in Hamilton, where
her family helped her grandmother run a boarding house in Donald Street, close
to where they lived. She became a pharmacy assistant at Mayfield. When Jill
married second generation Italian-Australian Juliano Borrelli, she not only
committed herself to marriage – she also signed up to a career in the food
Juliano was born in Waratah, Newcastle. His parents, Antonio
Borrelli and Filomena Sembiante, had known each other in the village of Lama
dei Peligni, in the province of Chieti, Abruzzo in Central Italy. The village had
been bombed during World War II, forcing many to flee, including Filomena’s
family. When they returned, they had to rebuild their home.
Antonio Borrelli migrated to Australia in 1952 in search of work
and a better life. A boilermaker by trade, Antonio was able to find employment
at BHP. He and Filomena corresponded by letter, and in time, they decided to
Filomena would need to travel to Australia by ship, and
marry immediately on arrival. Some Italian parents worried about their daughters
travelling unaccompanied, and possibly being compromised in such circumstances.
Marriage by proxy became common practice. The marriage took place before the
girl left home, with a male relative of her or her fiancé, standing in as the
legal substitute for the groom. The marriage was registered in Italy.
Between 1945 and 1976, some 300,000 Italians migrated to
Australia. About 12,000 Italian brides were married by proxy. [1]
Antonio and Filomena were married by proxy on 4 October,
1956. Two ceremonies were held, one with Filomena in Italy, another with
Antonio in Australia. It was not until a year later that Filomena arrived in
Australia on a ship called the Sidney.
Filomena was known to family and friends as Minuccia. She
and Antonio had three children - Juliano, Mario and Laura.
Filomena (Minuccia) Borrelli and infant Juliano (1958)
Photograph from the personal collection of Juliano and Jill Borrelli
Minuccia is important to this story because it was from her
that Juliano learned to cook. As well as raising her family, Minuccia took
cleaning jobs in the early hours of the morning so she could be at home in time
to get her children off to school. Later she worked in hospitality, including
Danilo’s Italian restaurant in Hamilton.
It was this experience that must have given her the
confidence to open her own restaurant. With Juliano, just 16, Minuccia opened Sorrento
Restaurant in Scott Street, opposite the Newcastle railway station. Minuccia
was an excellent cook, and loved cooking for others. The Sorrento operated for
11 years. Juliano received a solid grounding not only in cooking, but also in
the do’s and don’ts of running a successful business in the food industry.
Juliano went on to work as a cook at the Commonwealth Hotel,
in Cooks Hill. That’s where he and Jill met. Their first venture together was
JJ’s in Merewether RSL Club, which they ran for a decade. By then, they were
ready for even more independence.
Jill used to take her daughters Jessica and Amy for a lunch
treat to the Northern Star Cafe. When she heard the Kings were thinking of
selling, they acted. Juliano went to work there free of charge for a fortnight,
to verify its performance. They purchased, opening the cafe under new
management on 24 April, 1995. The location was perfect – the very centre of
busy Beaumont Street.
In this story of the Northern Star Cafe, some familiar
threads are starting to appear. The cafe is a family business – husband and
wife are critical to its success. The hours are long and demanding, so physical
stamina and mental resolve are needed. Good staff are vital.
Going slow on changes
Anna Zinnoni, the King’s wonderful cook, had moved on to
start her own business. The Borrellis decided to go slow on changes for the
first year, addressing only the most pressing issues. A dishwasher was bought
immediately. The bench at the back for making pasta had been built for Ada Bizzarri.
It had to be raised 15 centimetres. A little later, the cafe’s name – and the
sign – was changed back to the Northern Star Cafe.
Northern Star Café, late 1990s
Photograph from the personal collection of Juliano and Jill Borrelli
When they did make changes, these were modest. The interior
was wallpapered with a ‘Tuscany’ look, and a stained glass Northern Star Cafe was made for the sandwich bar.
Stained glass on the sandwich counter (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
The entrance needed modernising.
Former entrance to The Northern Star Cafe (1995)
Photograph from the personal collection of Juliano and Jill Borrelli
Bi-fold glass doors were installed, opening the entrance up to its full width. What is today a quirky narrow ‘hallway’ at the side was once used for storage and rubbish. Jill and Juliano have transformed it into an attractive usable space, with small tables, and paintings by local artists on the walls.
‘The hallway’ – a quiet space for coffee (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
Changes to the menu were made gradually, keeping pace with
their customers’ preferences. Now, the Northern Star Cafe offers one of the
largest menus in Hamilton, one for lunch, another for dinner. Customers receive
crusty Italian bread free immediately they are seated – a custom long gone from
most cafes. Traditional lasagne, house specialty pastas and home made sauces
continue to be ‘core business’ for the Northern Star Cafe. Soups, salads,
sandwiches, panini and open burgers are lighter offerings. Steak, seafood,
chicken and veal feature on the menu, most cooked the Italian way.
Interior view of the Northern Star Café (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
Juliano cooks everything on the menu – remarkably, every
meal that is sent out from the cafe kitchen. The one exception is his day off,
Monday, when relief cook Denise Willis comes in, trained to cook exactly as Juliano
does. It is this consistent quality of the food that has made the cafe such a
success. If you’ve had Spaghetti Fantasia one week, you can be certain that it
will taste exactly the same next week.
The biggest change, Jill and Juliano agree, was the
introduction of Juliano’s hand made gelato. Under the Kings’ management, Anna
had made an occasional dessert, but they were not a feature. Once a gelato
machine was purchased in 2000, and Juliano had learned the art and science of
gelato making, the dessert menu expanded.

The gelato bar (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
Gelato has become Juliano’s speciality and passion. That's not accidental - it’s in
the family. Juliano's maternal great aunt Severina had owned and operated a cafe and gelato bar in Casoli, near Lama dei Peligni. Juliano's mother Minuccia was just 15 when Severina, who had no children of her own, asked Minuccia's mother if the young girl would like to come and live with them, and work in the café.
Laura Borrelli, Juliano's sister and the family historian, explains:
'Minuccia leapt at the opportunity, and her passion for working in hospitality was ignited. However, she could not reach the levers on the coffee machine and needed a crate under her feet to use it!'
Juliano clearly enjoys the creative challenge of making new flavours, and products – like this celebratory cake.
Laura Borrelli, Juliano's sister and the family historian, explains:
'Minuccia leapt at the opportunity, and her passion for working in hospitality was ignited. However, she could not reach the levers on the coffee machine and needed a crate under her feet to use it!'
Juliano clearly enjoys the creative challenge of making new flavours, and products – like this celebratory cake.
Gelato cake made by Juliano Borrelli
These days, the cafe is licensed to sell beer and wine with
food, with BYO limited to wine. Under the previous BYO license, the corkage
charge had gradually increased – from 50c, to $1.50, then $2.50 – still
improbably low. When customers began bringing eskies full of beer into the
cafe, it was time to change to a different licence.
A busy Sunday at the Hamilton Food and Wine Festival,
23 February 2014
Photograph by Laura Borrelli
The long hours the Northern Star Cafe needed to be open has made
huge demands on its owners over the past 60 years. I wondered how Jill and
Juliano have managed to survive 18 years, and still thrive.
When they first purchased the cafe, they continued the 8 am
– 9 pm opening hours of their predecessors for a few years. Then, as more cafes
and coffee shops took up the breakfast concept, Jill and Juliano decided to leave
the field to them and open later. Now, their hours are a more civilised 10 am
to 9 pm. These are still long hours for the owners, by any standards of an
average working day.
While their daughters were young, Jill limited herself to
helping at lunch time. The cafe is closed on Sundays, and Juliano take Mondays
off, relying on their staff. Once a week or so, they may not come in until a
little later in the morning – no doubt an extremely welcome extra hour or two
at home.
Relaxation beckons from 'the hallway' (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
Reliable, capable staff continue to be vital to the cafe,
and there are as many as 9 on the roster. Jill and Juliano have been blessed to
have some individuals stay with them for long periods – Maree McDonald has the record
of 15 years employment. Relief cook Denise Willis has been with the Borrellis
for 9 years; Sandie Watt for 12 years. Helen Di Claudio worked at the Northern
Star Cafe for 13 years, for each of the three owners interviewed for this
‘I was part of the
fittings, so to speak’, Helen says, ‘each
time the cafe changed hands’.
The team at the Northern Star Cafe, around 2000
Back, L-R: Paul Connor (dec.), Juliano Borrelli, Maree McDonald
Front, L-R: Bronwyn Bryant, Jill Borrelli, Helen Di Claudio
Photograph from the personal collection of Juliano and Jill Borrelli
When the Borrellis purchased the Northern Star Cafe, they
thought it would be for three years. Eighteen years later, they are still here,
apparently enjoying the challenges of running a small business. Juliano has
become more assertive in advertising his gelato, with a supersized gelato cone at the front
of the cafe, and another on the awning above.

This giant gelato cone can’t be missed on Beaumont Street skyline
Photograph by Craig Smith, 2014
Daughter Amy has learned from watching her parents’ lifestyle. She says:
‘As a kid I always had
a back-up plan to become a chef and run the cafe after Mum and Dad retired. After
doing work placements in Year 11 at other cafes, and seeing how little some owners/chefs
do, I found a real respect for my father, how hard he works and the hours he puts
in. No one should have to work that hard and sacrifice so much'.
‘ I just could not do that.'
‘So head down, and into
the books. Now, as a new graduate, all I can say is – thanks Dad, for showing me
hard work does pay off’.
Juliano Borrelli at the gelato bar
Photograph from the personal collection of Juliano and Jill Borrelli
Pacing themselves against burnout by managing their hours has
obviously helped both Jill and Juliano as they approach their 20th
anniversary operating the Northern Star Cafe in April, 2015. But there are a couple of
other things that have energised Juliano, as he continues to be the mainstay of
the kitchen, cooking the food his parents cooked. One is finding his passion
for hand made gelato. The other is this – a gift from his wife Jill that never
fails to put a smile on his face.
Thanks to Ada Bizzarri,
Lucia Sakoff, Phillip and Dianne King, Juliano and Jill Borrelli, and Laura Borrelli for sharing their stories
and photographs. Thanks also to Helen Di Claudio for her contribution. Craig Smith, thank you for the fabulous photographs.
Northern Star Café, February 2014
Photograph by Laura Borrelli
I have memories of stopping off at the Northern Star after school with my friend. This was in the 60s and we would sit in the booths which had small juke boxes in each one, very limited selection of music but we could always find something we liked.
Anonymous. I have heard about the juke boxes in the booths - were they small consoles with the main juke box in the open area? Or like a whole self contained juke box in each booth?
Ruth my memory is that the juke boxes were self contained ,but it was a long time ago and I could be wrong
As a Hamilton girl from way back I love this blog brings back so many memories, thank you for it
Anonymous - my pleasure - for someone who had no interest in history, I am now right into it!
Thank you Ruth for memories that have just flooded back, after reading this story. I had the privilege of being a long time employee with Lorry and Ada, from 1979 until we all agreed to retire in 1992. Hamilton was a great street and we had the privileged to serve our wonderful from all over, I remember the day Tracey Wickham, our great swimmer, came into the shop to enjoy a meal, after hearing about the great food. Joanne McNally
Thank you Joannesroom. I've passed your comment onto Ada. She and daughter Lucia were at the launch of my book Hidden Hamilton recently. I named her as one of three 'living treasures' of Hamilton's history! Ruth.
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