Years later, her father long gone, Jan Pilcher wishes she had asked him what he meant.
Red cedar furniture, hand crafted, was the specialty of Barrie’s Furniture Shop, situated at 52 Beaumont Street, Hamilton. Founded by Mr Fred Barrie, it operated from the 1930s until the late 1980s.
The distinct aromatic oil in red cedar has long-lasting properties that are much sought after - preventing insect infestations and protecting against mould, mildew and moisture damage. Perhaps there is a signature taste in the oil that experienced woodworkers recognise as characteristic of the very best wood they have ever crafted.
With his boss, Mr Fred Barrie, Frank Standen would travel the Hunter region to source the finest cedar trees from the timber getters for their furniture. Trudi Bean, Fred Barrie’s granddaughter, writes:
‘In 1947 after reading a newspaper article about how Gloucester Timber Mill was going to fell a giant cedar tree, Fred wrote to them offering to film the tree felling and also offering to buy some of the cedar. So in 1948, Fred Barrie, Geoff Barrie and about six men went with the caravans and the bulldozer and trucks to fell the 67 feet (20m) tall tree which was estimated to be 750 years old.’
The tree was to be called the Cedar Monach. It had a girth of 11 metres with a base equivalent to the size of a small bedroom. Fred purchased about 40% of this massive tree for £900. He didn’t have anywhere to store this huge quantity of timber so put it in the showroom. Confronted daily by this phenomenon, he was spurred on to make cedar furniture in earnest.
Frank Standen was in the timber getting crew and his daughter Jan Pilcher has gifted the shavings and measurements of that tree to the Newcastle Museum, Fred Barrie’s grandson, Warren Mair, is custodian of a home movie Fred made of the felling, transporting and milling of the Cedar Monarch. The movie is called The Romance of Timber.
This story really begins when Fred Barrie (1905
– 1999) came to Newcastle from the Cessnock farm of his parents, James and Jane
Barrie, to learn his trade as a cabinet maker. The year was 1919, and Fred just 16
years of age. Boarding with an aunt and uncle, Fred was apprenticed to Aub
Murray (relative of Murray's Funeral Directors) in his workshop in Cameron Street. So began Fred’s long association with
To help support his family, Fred made rolling pins in his spare time, selling them door to door on his bicycle. After finishing his apprenticeship, he married Alice Harvey in 1926. They lived in Everton Street, Hamilton. By this time, Fred’s father James had sold the Cessnock farm and bought 52 Beaumont St, Hamilton, setting up a photographic studio above the residence. Fred began making furniture in his parents’ laundry. As business improved, he built a workshop at the rear of 52 Beaumont Street.
Frank Standen (1907 - 1985) learned his cabinetry trade making coffins for the Fry Brothers Funeral Directors in Maitland. Fry's are still in business there today.
To help support his family, Fred made rolling pins in his spare time, selling them door to door on his bicycle. After finishing his apprenticeship, he married Alice Harvey in 1926. They lived in Everton Street, Hamilton. By this time, Fred’s father James had sold the Cessnock farm and bought 52 Beaumont St, Hamilton, setting up a photographic studio above the residence. Fred began making furniture in his parents’ laundry. As business improved, he built a workshop at the rear of 52 Beaumont Street.
Frank Standen (1907 - 1985) learned his cabinetry trade making coffins for the Fry Brothers Funeral Directors in Maitland. Fry's are still in business there today.
Frank’s extra duties included driving the hearse – a horse
and cart. All black was the fashion for funerals then. Since Frank was fair, he
was expected to wear a black wig so as to blend with the pall bearers and present
a uniform, serious appearance.
Like so many, the Barrie family experienced a difficult time in the Great Depression which began with the American stock market crash on 4 September, 1929 and lasted for up to a decade or more. Fred made furniture for the house he and Alice lived in so they could take in boarders. They also rented out their tennis court. Daughter Margaret was born in 1931 and son Geoff at the end of 1932. It was a challenging time for a young family to be venturing into business.
In 1934 things began to improve and Fred employed Frank Standen and Andy Forrester. Andy had been the foreman at Murray’s and had taught Fred his trade.
Frank’s recruitment to Barrie’s in Hamilton began a lifelong friendship between the two men who shared a passion and enthusiasm for fine furniture. Theirs was indeed a romance with timber.
Barrie’s made quality furniture customised to order for farmers and graziers with large homes, and wealthy city dwellers. Orders came from all over Australia. The letterhead reads:
Specialist in figured maple, sycamore, walnut and inlaid furniture.
Like so many, the Barrie family experienced a difficult time in the Great Depression which began with the American stock market crash on 4 September, 1929 and lasted for up to a decade or more. Fred made furniture for the house he and Alice lived in so they could take in boarders. They also rented out their tennis court. Daughter Margaret was born in 1931 and son Geoff at the end of 1932. It was a challenging time for a young family to be venturing into business.
In 1934 things began to improve and Fred employed Frank Standen and Andy Forrester. Andy had been the foreman at Murray’s and had taught Fred his trade.
Frank’s recruitment to Barrie’s in Hamilton began a lifelong friendship between the two men who shared a passion and enthusiasm for fine furniture. Theirs was indeed a romance with timber.
Barrie’s made quality furniture customised to order for farmers and graziers with large homes, and wealthy city dwellers. Orders came from all over Australia. The letterhead reads:
Specialist in figured maple, sycamore, walnut and inlaid furniture.
Letterhead, photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Here is an example of the elegant cedar occasional tables
made at Barrie’s.
Photographs from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Enormous wall length wardrobes – forerunner to 'the
built-in' – were popular with Italian families.

Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Such pieces were out of the reach of many Novocastrians,
though. As Margaret Colditz writes: [1]
Mr Barrie’s Furniture
Shop. How elegant it was! A large piece of red cedar caught one’s attention.
Most of us could only look admiringly at the lovely hand crafted furniture.
Upstairs, we had our photographs taken sitting in a beautifully carved chair.
In a post-Depression era, this elegant shop was inspiring.
Tougher times were ahead. With the declaration of World War II, furniture orders dried
up. Staff were laid off. A conscientious objector, Fred Barrie was called up to
the Allied Works Authorities, first
at Nelson’s Bay building a hospital, then at Bankstown and Mascot as the
leading hand with 60 men, making boxes and packing them with nails and bolts to
make pre-cut warehouses for the army.
Frank Standen found himself without a job.
Now, the musical skills Frank had acquired as a boy, travelling
each week from Maitland to lessons at Mayfield, would come into their own. He
played the violin, saxophone and clarinet. Joining a small band, Frank went “on
the road,” travelling up and down the coast playing instrumental accompaniment
for the silent movies.
In the mid twentieth century, silent movies were hugely
popular. They were one of the few forms of entertainment available.

Charlie Chaplin - legendary star of the silent movies

Live music was a key component of the silent movie
experience. Just as for movies we enjoy today, music provided atmosphere,
emotional cues, sound effects (like thunder or galloping horses), or danger warnings.
The difference was – the musicians were playing live, in the theatre.
It was on one of these trips up the mid north coast that
Frank met his wife-to-be, Dorothy, in Kempsey. She was one of 13 children.
Dorothy’s family had a tailoring shop; she did the hand
stitching on men’s suits as well as caring for their invalid mother upstairs. In
time, Frank and Dorothy were free to marry. He purchased the last available
block of land in James Street, Hamilton. No. 21 had been the work yard of the
adjacent brick foundry. They had one child,
a daughter Jan.
When the war was over, business improved as the men returned home. The factory was enlarged. Fred Barrie varied his product line to include grandfather clocks. He had developed an interest in clocks after a
trip to Europe. Frank was recalled to work with his old boss, hand crafting the
timber cabinets that housed the clock mechanism and pendulum. Like the
furniture, some of the clocks had delicate scroll work and other decorative
motifs, for which contractors would be engaged.
Frank was to become head cabinetmaker.

Frank Standen with grandfather clock cabinet
Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Barrie’s still made furniture, but fewer of the heavy
pre-war pieces. Occasional tables, writing desks, dining suites and Queen Anne dressing tables
were part of the range.

A Fred Barrie sideboard with framed photographs of the Cedar Monarch in the background
Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Ladies writing desk
This Fred Barrie piece is
treasured by Rhonda White
Photograph from the personal
collection of Rhonda White
recognised several pieces of Fred Barrie furniture when visiting the home of
Mrs Ada Bizzari, one of the early owners of the Northern Star Cafe. They looked
as perfect as when they had emerged from the Barrie workshop.
Frank continued working at Barrie’s for the rest of his life
– almost 60 years, until he died aged 78.

Frank Standen at work
Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Fred Barrie was a Christadelphian.
According to Denis Anderson, who worked in the business for several years in
the 1980s before setting up on his own [3]
- there was no swearing and a strong work ethic in the workshop, although Fred
always enjoyed a joke. His role was to run the business, dealing with clients,
choosing timbers for each job, and machining the initial lengths. Then the
cabinetmakers took over.

Geoff Barrie, Fred Barrie's son (far right), Frank Standen (second from
and staff at Fred Barrie’s Furniture (n.d.)
Photograph from the personal
collection of Jan Pilcher
Jan Pilcher (Frank Standen's daughter) outside his former home at
Living so close to his place of work, Frank walked home for
lunch, which Dorothy always had waiting for him. On his way back to work, he
would stop off at The Kent Hotel for a beer. This was a lifetime routine. The
family never owned a car – it wasn’t necessary.
Jan Pilcher (Frank Standen's daughter) outside his former home at
21 James Street (September, 2013)
As the post-war Italian migrants moved into Hamilton[4],
Frank often expressed concern about how things were changing. He worried about
the impact on jobs, and of course, on his beloved Kent.
Then Fred Barrie took on a couple of Italians as
apprentices. They proved to be excellent tradesmen as well as personable young
men. Frank’s fears dissipated as he got to know not only the boys, but also
their fathers.
Fred Barrie grandfather clocks became much sought after.
Frank’s daughter Jan had always longed for one but the budget had never been
able to stretch quite that far.
On her 60th birthday, her long-held wish was
granted. Jan’s family tracked down a Fred Barrie grandfather clock for her over
the internet. Its authenticity was confirmed by the small plaque hidden inside
the cabinet. The family managed to convince its owner that it was going to a
good home – the wife of the man who crafted it. What better home than this?

Barrie's Grandfather and Grandmother Clocks
Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Could the elegance of which Margaret Colditz wrote have had
something to do with Fred Barrie’s wife, Alice? A reluctant grandmother at 47,
she preferred to be called Jan by her grand children. When she died in 2012
aged 106, her obituary in the Newcastle Herald reported her granddaughter Trudi
Bean saying:
“When we were little,
Jan seemed like the most glamorous woman we knew. She had a walk in wardrobe,
with lots of shoes and hats, and the girls were allowed to try on her shoes,
hats and beads, passing on her clip-on earrings because they hurt too much.”
Her grandson Warren Mair described her like this:
“If other grandmothers
were like classical music, then Alice was like rock and roll.”
Her long life, she said, could be attributed to two sherries
a day - not to mention chocolate ginger! [5]
There was a bit more to the story. Warren Mair explained to
me that in their 50s, due to Fred’s gout, his grandparents embraced healthier
living with a passion. Fresh, raw foods, nuts and seeds, and juices became part
of their diet.
Perhaps this stylish woman, whose favourite colours were red
and purple, wore Estee Lauder Youth Dew perfume, and referred to husband Fred
as 'the boyfriend,' influenced the
designs coming out of the shop. We can’t be sure, but we do know she was a
great asset to the business, entertaining their clients at their showroom home
in Adamstown.
Mrs Alice Barrie (2007)
Photograph courtesy of Hunter Lifestyle Magazine
In her generous hospitality, she followed in the footsteps
of her own grandfather, Alfred Harvey. A 'leading citizen of the day,' Alfred
Harvey was the owner of the Royal Coffee
Palace, Scott Street, Newcastle. This unique “coffee palace” had 40 rooms and a
dining room that could accommodate 100 guests, supplying 2000 meals a day.[6]
Denis Anderson says that his decision to make furniture the
traditional way is a legacy from Fred Barrie and Frank Standen – men who at the
time of his apprenticeship, were old enough to be his grandfather.
'I love the process of
designing and creating for a customer and using excellent timbers to produce a
piece that will stay in a family for generations,' Denis says.

Fred Barrie at his home amidst his own hand crafted furniture
Photograph from the personal collection of Jan Pilcher
Neither Denis Anderson nor Warren Mair could help me unlock
the secrets of the taste of the best cedar timber. Perhaps that was something
Frank wanted to keep to himself – like a great cook, never divulging a special
ingredient that makes all the difference to a dish.
One thing I can be sure of – although Barrie’s Furniture Shop
can no longer be found at the northern end of Beaumont Street, the enthusiasm
and passion of Fred Barrie and Frank Standen for fine furniture lives on in the
work of at least one of their protégés.

The Laneway today, which provided back access to the factory section
of Barrie's Furniture (2013)
Thank you to Mrs Jan Pilcher, Warren Mair, Trudi Bean, Rhonda White and Denis Anderson for their generous contributions. Unattributed photographs by Ruth Cotton.
This post was updated on 1 May, 2014 and 25 October, 2021
James Street Plaza, in the heart of Hamilton, was extensively upgraded in 2021. The aim was to revitalise the space, making it safe and appealing. The Plaza is to be activated with night lighting displays as well as music, markets and food. New artworks have been installed, including etchings in the pavers that celebrate Hamilton's rich history. I was invited by the City of Newcastle to create a list of figures, places, groups and events with historical importance to the Hamilton community. Fred Barrie's Furniture is proudly one of these etchings.
The camera below is believed to be a classic studio camera with housing built by Fred Barrie. The housing is mainly high quality red cedar (Celedra). Fred's father was a professional photographer so cameras were plentiful around the Barrie home. This camera found its way via eBay into the hands of a collector of cameras in Victoria. After completing its restoration, the owner plans to exhibit the camera in the 2023 Ballarat International Foto Biennale.
Colditz, Margaret: My Beloved Beaumont Street. M/S (1990).
[2] Years later, the photography studio was moved to the
Barrie’s home. Fred Barrie was one of 8 official photographers for the visit of
Queen Elizabeth II to Newcastle in 1954.
In 1947, Lettesi (a settler group made up of nearly 150 families from the
village of Lettopalena in the Abruzzo Region of Italy) initially settled in Islington
but they soon expanded into the nearby suburbs of Hamilton and Mayfield. This
was primarily due to Islington's proximity to the BHP steel works. Before long
Hamilton (especially Beaumont Street) was to become a strong community and
commercial centre for Newcastle’s Italians. More at,_New_South_Wales.
Another interesting story, Ruth. A lovely glimpse into a past when you purchased all you needed locally and a region's culture evolved from local people and what was available around you. It's nice to think though that businesses like furniture-makers Pinkerton's at Fern Street, Islington, might be continuing the tradition.
Glad you enjoyed it Christine. Although pieces were custom made, there must have been some reference for design. Magazines and books perhaps?
Thank you for that story Ruth.It was so interesting.I'm afraid I'm getting addicted to "Hamilton" stories.Could easily sit and read them all day.Maybe it is because I was born at the Fettacairn Hospital 74 years ago!!!
Helen, you are clearly connected to. Hamilton! I have some great stories in the pipeline, including transformation of the old Masonic Hall into the Depot. My husband worries I will run out of stories but no way.....
Hi i have a video about Fred Barrie and the Red Cedar tree on my youtube channel that i taped of the TV years ago here is the link to it -
Kind Regards
Mike Hardcastle
Michael, that is a wonderful video! I loved seeing the way the timber cutters scaled that huge tree. And the rich red of the newly cut timber. Thanks so much. I will post it on Hidden Hamilton Facebook so more people can enjoy it.
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