It is easy for me to explore the past of Denison Street because my street intersects it. However, I was surprised to learn that had I been living here in – say – 1890 – there would have been no less than 10 hotels within about a kilometre, on Denison Street alone.
I found this proliferation quite confusing, so I set out to pin down just where they’d been and what remains of them today. Once again, I’ve had invaluable help from Peter Murray. [1]

Peter Murray's self published book on the history of Hamilton
First, it is important to appreciate that in those early
days, hotels were not just drinking establishments, although 'drunkenness' was pretty evident. Hamilton’s inns and public houses were focal hubs in the community, places
outside the home where men (no women allowed inside) could socialise. Most homes
were just not suitable for visiting or social gatherings.
When people joined in social and sporting activities offered
by a hotel, they mixed with a broader cross section of the community than they
would otherwise meet at church, or in their lodges or friendly societies. This
helped break down some of the barriers that separated what could be quite
narrow, clannish groups.
In my effort to rediscover the hey-day of the Denison Street
hotels, I started close to home. Come with me on my trek from Happy Flat to
Cameron’s Hill.....
On the corner of Denison and Turner Street, The Universal Hotel was opened in 1880.
Separated from it by a shed, was The
Globe Hotel, a two storey weatherboard building which opened in 1877 and
had a bowling alley.
On the corner of the next street, Lawson Street, a man
called Robert Cherry built a fine two story building called Cherry’s Terrace (1873). This became
the Hamilton Hotel, and it had a bagatelle licence (a game something like pool).
Robert Cherry was one of Hamilton’s first Aldermen
These three hotels can be clearly seen in the next photo. The Universal Hotel is in the foreground in excellent detail, then the Globe after a small shed. Hamilton Hotel (Cherry's Terrace) is the next two story building.

Denison Street, Hamilton, 15
February 1892
by Ralph Snowball, part of the Norm Barney Collection,
Courtesy of Cultural Collections,
University of Newcastle, Australia
The Universal and The Globe have given way to a large block
of townhouses, seen being built in the photo below.

Photograph of Denison Street (n.d.) by Bert Lovett, part of the Norm Barney Collection
Courtesy of Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle, Australia
Courtesy of Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle, Australia
The building that was Cherry’s Terrace/Hamilton Hotel can be seen in the distance, above. I wonder when that big tree was taken down?
The building is
still in place today (below), no longer a hotel. Modified and extended, the verandas long gone, it is clearly
recognisable. The date 1872 on the top has replaced the words Cherry’s Terrace.

Cherry's Terrace (2014)
Photograph by Matthew Ward
I can see this building from one of my upstairs windows, and
often wondered about its past. Robert Cherry built a structure to last. He had
learned the trades of tinsmith and locksmith, and in the mines
was in charge of the pit ponies. What a life for these tough little horses, and
for the men spending so much time underground.
Coal miners and a pit pony, Hunter Valley (n.d.)
Photograph by Bert Lovett, part of the Norm Barney Collection,
Courtesy of Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle, Australia
Not far to go along Denison Street to two more hotels – The Sportsman’s Arms, on the corner of
Denison and Webster Streets, and The
Coach and Horses, at the corner of Denison and Murray Streets. Both opened
in 1878, but no trace of them remains.
Here we are at the intersection of Denison and Beaumont Streets, and two more hotels face each other. The Miners Arms Hotel was originally the residence of Patrick Murray, a miner, and was converted to an 8 room hotel sometime between 1858 and 1865. [2] Hamilton’s third hotel, it had a handball court – handball was a very popular game - and an adjoining billiard room. The Borehole Brass Band used to meet at this hotel for practice.
Here we are at the intersection of Denison and Beaumont Streets, and two more hotels face each other. The Miners Arms Hotel was originally the residence of Patrick Murray, a miner, and was converted to an 8 room hotel sometime between 1858 and 1865. [2] Hamilton’s third hotel, it had a handball court – handball was a very popular game - and an adjoining billiard room. The Borehole Brass Band used to meet at this hotel for practice.
The site of The Miners Arms Hotel today
Across Denison Street, direct competition came from The Miners' Exchange, opened in 1880.
Its amenities included not only a billiards/band room, a “ball alley” (for
bowling and skittles) but also a cricket pitch at the back, for the Borehole Cricket
Club. A popular Hamilton hotel continues on this site, The Exchange Hotel.
The Exchange Hotel (2014)
Photograph by Matthew Ward
Photograph by Matthew Ward
Up the hill now, westwards, and it’s a couple of blocks
before we come to the site of the next hotel. The corner of Steel and Denison
Street was the location of the earliest hotel in Hamilton. Thomas Tudor
(namesake of Tudor Street and one of the first Aldermen) had worked in the coal
mines and later, been successful on the Victorian goldfields. He opened his first
inn in Steel Street, with the odd name of “Help a lame dog over the stile”,
shortened by the miners to The Lame Dog.
In 1865 he moved the hotel to the corner of Steel and Denison Streets, naming it the Agricultural Hotel. It became known locally as Tudor’s Hotel.
Thomas Tudor's Hotel, Denison and Steel Streets, Hamilton 1892
Photograph by Ralph Snowball, part of the Norm Barney Collection,
courtesy of Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle, Australia
Thomas Tudor was a keen sportsman - he’d been a professional
sprinter and hosted many sporting events such as foot racing and handball, with
betting attracting the crowds. As well as sports, the hotel was a venue for
events as disparate as inquests and weddings. The photo below shows a function outside the hotel, spilling into Denison Street.
A community function outside Tudor's Hotel, Denison Street, Hamilton,
28 October 1907.
28 October 1907.
Photograph by Ralph Snowball, part of the Norm Barney Collection,
courtesy of Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle, Australia
Tudor operated the first (horse) bus line between Hamilton
and Newcastle – while no photo survives of his service, the picture below of the
Adamstown one gives a good idea of what it must have been like.

Adamstown Horse-Drawn Bus (n.d)
Photograph by Ralph Snowball,
part of the Norm Barney Collection,
courtesy of Cultural Collections,
University of Newcastle, Australia
Today, The Bennett Hotel continues the traditions of
hospitality on this site, and holds the oldest continuous Licence in Hamilton.

The Bennett Hotel (2014)
Photograph by Matthew Ward
The last hotel on my walk along Denison Street began
trading in 1859, and was the second hotel to open in Hamilton – The Queen’s Arms Hotel. It was on what
was then known as Winship’s Hill, but later became Cameron’s Hill, after the
hotel’s owner, James Cameron.
Cameron began as a farmer/butcher, but like Tomas Tudor, made
his real money on the goldfields. He hosted sporting events,
community meetings and balls – in the hotel’s ballroom. Cameron’s great passion
was horseracing, including breeding and training, and he was President of the
Newcastle Jockey Club for 25 years. I am told his hotel was a stop for the Cobb and Co
coach service.
I have not been able to find a photograph of the long gone Queen’s Arms
Hotel. A local resident has told me it was situated on the western brow of Cameron's Hill. Below is a street view of its former location, on the best evidence I could find.
In writing about the Denison Street hotels, I have not
touched on other landmark businesses that opened in the late 1880s, especially
the Sydney Junction Hotel (1886) and the Hamilton Station Hotel. Completion of
the Hamilton to Sydney rail link in 1887 meant the focus of commercial activity
began to shift away from Denison Street towards the railway station and Beaumont
We don’t know how long it took for patronage of the Denison
Street hotels to decline. Only two of the ten sites that once boasted flourishing
hotels in the late 1880s are still in the same business today, The Exchange and
The Bennett Hotel. Was it the greater adaptability of the hotels closer to the
new railway, as Peter Murray suggests?
This discovery tour made me wonder about something else,
too. What is it that makes some buildings endure? As well as the two hotels,
the building that was Cherry’s Terrace is still firmly in place, well preserved,
albeit trimmed of its lacy verandahs.
Detail from the top of Cherry’s Terrace (the old Hamilton Hotel)
Unattributed photographs by Ruth Cotton.
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Sydney Junction Hotel
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